What we do...

Feed The Second Line was born out of COVID-19
our focus is in three areas for our city's culture: A "healthy culture" - Job Opportunities for Culture Bearers - and a stronger Safety Net for New Orleans culture

Our work focuses on these three core areas.

Safety-Net: During COVID-19 we helped purchase groceries for elders (while creating jobs)
After Hurricane Ida - we came up with "Get Lit Stay Lit" to create solar powered Micro-Grids on Restaurants

Job opportunites: we hire culture bearers to perform, to help us with events, to help with community-relief work (like hurricanes, tornadoes, ect)

Healthy-Culture: we are working on developing kid programming and adult programs to help our culture bearers

Sunday, November 28 2021!

Louisiana Sunshine Festival

In support of a more sustainable and resilient Louisiana.
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New Orleans Culture is Amazing. Vibrant. Inspiring.

It’s also made by people – folks who are largely working class – and often unpaid for their culture. The entire history of New Orleans as a city Is one rife with inequality – and one with a legacy of racism and struggle. Despite that, the people of our city created one of the world’s great cultures – jazz, MG Indians baby dolls, Second Lines, and so much more....

The People
that create
the culture.

We are a city alive – full of music, masking, and parading. All of these beautiful practices are done by the people of New Orleans. If you love the culture, love the people!

Feed The Second Line is dedicated to creating a stronger safety-net for New Orleans culture. And job opportunities for our culture creators. Join the culture!

Join in. Become part of the Second Line.

Become a monthly donor at any amount and join us in supporting the people that make New Orleans culture.

As Seen In

New York Times
In partnership with
No items found.
With additional support from
Bentson Foundation
Mojo Coffee House
Westridge Foundation
Where Y'Art

Follow us on Instagram @Feedthesecondline!

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